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Glusburn Community Primary School

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School Uniform

School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. It also serves to foster a feeling of ‘belonging’ to the school. We want children to feel proud to be at Glusburn School and to be part of its uniqueness. The wearing of a uniform ensures pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome and protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; the children come to school prepared and with the right attitude for work.

You will be informed of any ‘non-uniform’ days. These will usually be linked to fund raising or charity events such as Children in Need or special events in school such as Christmas parties.

Our Uniform Policy

There are no set times when particular items of uniform should be worn e.g. some children prefer shorts all year round.

All children are required to wear items from the following list:

Plain black/grey tailored ‘school’ trousers, pinafore, shorts or skirt

Plain white polo shirt or shirt

Plain navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (not a hoodie/tracksuit top). This can be with or without the school logo

Plain black footwear

Blue checked school dress

Physical Education

PE Days uniform:

Plain black shorts

Plain white t-shirt


Children should also wear their usual school jumper and a pair of either plain black or plain navy tracksuit bottoms with trainers for outdoor PE. Children will have allocated PE days and they should come to school in their PE kit on those days.


In the interest of health and safety all jewellery and hard headbands must be removed for PE, Games and swimming lessons. Please consider very carefully before allowing your child to have pierced ears as these cannot be removed for six weeks after the event. This means that your child cannot take part in PE lessons. PE is a legal requirement of the National Curriculum.

Jewellery must not be worn except in the case of pierced ears when one earring in each ear (or one ear) is allowed; these must be studs or sleepers. The wearing of multiple earrings in each ear is not allowed. There should be no other visible body piercings. Staff will not remove ear-rings or be responsible for looking after them.


Head scarves and other religious head wear may be worn. These must plain black, white or navy blue and must be fastened securely.

Where to buy uniform from:

Whittakers Schoolwear – In association with Andrew Firth and Henry Smith

On-line Shop

Skip to School

All major supermarkets and other retailers sell non-branded uniform which can be worn in school.

We have regular second hand uniform sales or swaps/giveaways.  If you have any uniform needs please contact the office as we always have second hand uniform available.